Big Hat Outdoors and Gage Outdoors is proud to partner with and promote the best and cleanest Dog Food for your special Pup! We suggest you treat your dog to a superb nutritional diet of RAW WILD dog food. This fresh blend of Elk and Venison is 96.4% lean, free roaming meat with added vitamins.

RAW WILD“Deep in the rocky mountain west, among aspen groves and pine forests, elk and deer forage their entire lives grazing on wild plants and grasses, drinking from snowpack-filled springs, while surviving the elements of their high alpine environment. This is RAW WILD’s source.”

“We designed RAW WILD to enhance the uncommon bond we share with our dogs. From early morning jaunts, to exploring city streets, and finding joy in life’s simple pleasures, we’ve produced a complete raw dog food diet to meet their special needs. RAW WILD is nothing but raw elk and venison meat with a mixture of essential vitamins and minerals making our dog food the most extraordinary in the world.”

“Ask any dog owner what they care about most for their pet and their answer is health and happiness. That’s why we exist.”

At Gage Outdoor , we expect a lot of our field dogs, they are an essential part of the hunting experiences we give our guests. And, you cannot expect high performance from your dog if your pup is not feeling his best and given the best clean diet you can find!


A Raw Wild diet is like filling a fine performance race car with the highest-octane fuel so the pistons all fire perfectly. Your dog’s performance out in the field, his energy level and ability to stay sharp and focused will all be enhanced if you put him on a diet of Raw Wild dog food. “We started Raw Wild because we believe there’s a vast difference between manufactured chow and small batch nourishment, hand-packed by us.”

Raw Dog Food Diet Benefits

Shinier Coat

Healthy Longevity

Raw Wild dog food

Weight Control

Raw Wild dog food

Improved Digestion

Raw Wild dog food

Relief from Allergies

Raw Wild dog food

More Energy

Raw Wild dog food

Healthier Teeth

Raw Dog Food Diet from RAW WILD
Read a few of our testimonials from customers who know why they choose to make a difference in their dog’s nutrition.

We Love You Raw Wild

Just a quick note to say we love you Raw Wild. Our poodle Arthur has always been a terrible eater, and he would throw up a few times a week. We’ve even tried many other raw brands. Your raw elk is doing WONDERS for him. He’s put on a few pounds, he’s barking less, and he’s not got such a sour stomach. He looks SO healthy! And we’re so surprised by the positive behavior changes too. Thank youuuuu. – L.G. 2019

Greatest Dog Food Ever

We’ve been feeding our dog Raw Wild since she was 8 weeks old and she’s growing fast and strong on it. Even though her puppy coat is shedding and her adult coat is coming in, people are constantly shocked by how incredibly soft her coat still is. The poop is minimal and doesn’t smell like it did when she was on kibble. And she LOVES it. I’m never using another dog food, ever.

This Dog Food is Amazing!!

My dog went crazy for Raw Wild. The food actually looks like raw meat instead of the light brown bars that I usually get for my dogs. I will be ordering more.

I’m so Pleased!

Hi guys! Just want to say that I love Raw Wild!! My older dog took to it right away, but the pup took awhile, now she loves it too!! I see a big difference in their coats, energy levels and all around sense of well-being. Both dogs are pound pups and the older one has always been skittish. I see a new confidence and he actually “struts” when I put him on a leash!! I’m so pleased and will never go back to can or kibble again!! Thanks for your great product!! Catherine

My pup LOVES Raw Wild

My loving pup Bosco has a healthy calmness about him when I feed him Raw Wild. It is as if his entire little 50 pound being is just saying “thank you”.

My dogs loved your product

My dogs loved your product. And I will be ordering again soon.

Raw Wild has so many happy customers. For information about ordering this wonderful dog food, please click below:

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Or Historic Thunderstik Lodge

We Love Hunters and welcome you to bring your own dogs. Call us to find out more #763-595-5936.